Slam! by Walter Dean Myers | Teen Ink

Slam! by Walter Dean Myers

January 8, 2013
By Team_12_player BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Team_12_player BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
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The book slam is a great book. I love basketball and this is a very intense basketball book. This is a story about a boy trying to make it out of the hood. He is trying to make it out of the hood by becoming a basketball star and gaining a scholarship. Even one day even making it to the NBA.
Now I am going to explain more about Greg “Slam” Harris. A young man in the hood trying to make a life for himself. He is using basketball to find a way out. I think this was a really solid book. On a scale from 1 to 10. I would probably rate this book an 8. It was a really solid book for a sports book. I usually don’t like or get into to sports book. They aren’t really interesting. They act like they have never played basketball before. It also put a really good twist on the book by having many intense arguing parts. Had lots of good and attention grabbing paragraphs.
Greg “Slam” Harris is a great basketball player. At some parts I like how the author makes it seem like he has no chance to make it out of the hood. Then he does something great and makes it seem like he has a chance. Then Walter Dean Myers will put a twist on the book and make him do something bad. Like find out about his grades. Then it seems like his chances are getting slimmer and slimmer. To me that just makes the book even more interesting to me. They author goes into great detail of his life at home. The author also mentioned how well and hard Greg worked. The author didn’t make all of his life negative. Even though his life was bad he out a few good things in Greg’s life. He showed even in the hood you can make a life for yourself.
All in all I think this was a pretty good book. It had a few blaintant weaknesses in my mind but it was a pretty good book. There were a couple parts the author didn’t put together well. He fixed them with even better parts. Most of the time this was a solid book. Thank you for reading this book review.


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