Into the Twilight Endless grousing | Teen Ink

Into the Twilight Endless grousing

January 2, 2013
By Tmalcomb BRONZE, Charlolston, West Virginia
Tmalcomb BRONZE, Charlolston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Into the twilight endless grousing.

Into the Twilight endless Grousing is a comical short story book by Patrick F. McManus. Patrick McManus writes most of his books about his childhood life adventures with semi fictional characters. Most of his books are historical and comical. McManus’s mentor as a child was his grandmother, aunt, and sister. As he referred in one of his books ‘The Troll’. McManus’s dad died in WW1 as special ops when he was just 6! One of Patrick’s mentors was as he referred in his book Rancid Crabtree. A Colorful woodsman who taught Patrick and his childhood best friend 'Crazy Eddie' Muldoon everything they know about the woods, and this went on for many years. But they did not end up being woodsman like they planned. Patrick McManus did not have much when he first started writing books. His first book was written in 1978! In the book, Patrick talks about his childhood adventures, He talks about his male mentor ‘Rancid Crabtree’ and his best friend 'Crazy Eddie' Muldoon. In one chapter of his book, he talks about when he and Eddie go onto a hill called “Lovers Leap” to collect beer tops for money. They go into a saloon, and their favorite Bar Tender. And the owner who hates kids in her Saloon, Eddie’s mom calls it the “Sin Pit”. When a big old Woodsman enters the saloon and pulls his back tooth out. And that’s when Eddie and Patrick decide to be a Woodsman; they think no more school or work! In the end Patrick McManus’s books are in my opinion amazing. And well written, everything just falls into place and makes sense. All of Patrick’s books are amazing in my oppinion.

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