harry potter and the deathly hallows | Teen Ink

harry potter and the deathly hallows

January 8, 2013
By ltbhorroreye BRONZE, Clendenin, West Virginia
ltbhorroreye BRONZE, Clendenin, West Virginia
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This book was perhaps the best book to an ending series J.K Rowling has been making these great pure work of art since 1997 it was sad because with me I never wanted this particular series to end it was so exhilarating the story about harry finally leaving Hogwarts which is basically his home and going out to destroy the dark lord Vodlemort once in for with his two best friends Ron Wesley and Hermione Granger. The difficulties and challenges they make always give the reader’s head twisting and turning and thinking “how are they going to get out and they always seem to ‘right in the nick of time escape from monsters, death eaters and He-Who-Must-Not- Be- Named and his killing curse which took the life Harry’s very mother and farther. In the beginning there are leaving privet drive while try to be killed on brooms, flying motorcycles and thestrals which are magical invisible creatures. Then While Narrowly escaping Vodlemort and crash into Tonk’s Father’s garden with Hagrid the Half-giant and is Knockout. He wakes and sees Hagrid on couch squishing under his ginormous size. After he wakes up him and Hagrid Who is accidently knocking everything over because his size Tonk’s farther leads them down to his basement and lets them use a portkey which teleport him and Hagrid to the Burrow or for kids and adults unfamiliar to the series Ron’s house when the get there Lupin picks harry up and slams him and the wall and ask him some questions to make he is harry. Then George (Ron’s Brother) and Fred Who are twins come in, but you can tell the difference cause George Has had his blown clear with nothing to remain except and unforgivable hole blood coming like a faucet out of his ear, but worse news comes When Tonks one there most battle hardened friend and ally Mad-Eye Moody was shot down by a death eater. This is where I leave off this book one of a kind and is the best Seven hundred And seventy-nine pages I have ever read,but you really read the other books before you read that way you can take in all the magic and greatness that it holds. Harry Potter has touch the hearts of people all around the world from great Britain, London to United State of America, New York it is a truly was ‘Perhaps the best book I have ever read, and gave the most I could five stars for the great work of adventure this book is.

The author's comments:
This was the best series of books there is in this world the only problem like all great things it must end somewhere

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