Rachel's Holiday | Teen Ink

Rachel's Holiday

August 25, 2008
By danicalifornia BRONZE, San Diego, California
danicalifornia BRONZE, San Diego, California
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Rachel's Holiday is a poignant new novel by Marian Keyes that gives the reader a glimpse into the life of a likable yet drug-addicted young woman living in New York City. Rachel Walsh is a twenty-seven year old Irish woman living in New York City when she falls prey to life in the fast lane, which includes copious amounts of alcohol, partying and lines upon lines of cocaine. Her best friend Brigit as well as her boyfriend Luke are concerned for her, and an emergency intervention lead by her family results in Rache'ls being forcibly taken back home to Ireland. Once back home, Rachel's parents send her to The Cloisters, a fictional rehabilitation center in her native Ireland.

At first, Rachel is the teensiest bit excited, due to the many rumors of various pop stars and other famous people who have stayed at The Cloisters. She naively thinks her time spent there fill be filled with massages and saunas and hobnobbing with celebrities. However, once Rachel arrives and meets her fellow “inmates” (including her roommate Chaquie who insists on spelling her name that way because “‘Jackie’ is ever so much more common”) she realizes that this is not quite the vacation she had envisioned, and comes to the life-altering realization that she really and truly is a drug addict.

This novel shows its readers just what drug addiction can do to a person as well as the effects on an addict’s personal life, friends and family through Keyes’ light and humorous prose. Through the use of Keyes’ memorable and likeable heroine Rachel, the author paints a vivid portrait of addiction and overcoming it. All in all, this book was fascinating and eye-opening and I would recommend it heartily.


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