The Fallen Star by Jessica Sorensen | Teen Ink

The Fallen Star by Jessica Sorensen

February 21, 2013
By Ashlynn2012 BRONZE, Mason, West Virginia
Ashlynn2012 BRONZE, Mason, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Book title and author: The Fallen Star: Jessica Sorensen
Title of review: My book review
Number of stars (1 to 5): 4.4 stars

This book is about a girl that lost all her emotions when she turned eighteen because she was endangered and that was the only way to keep her from being found. She falls in love with this boy that has to act cold towards her so she wouldn’t fall for him. But when he first saw her electric went through both of them and that started her emotions again.
Description and summary of main points
Okay so the dad of the boy she falls in love with takes the little girl when she was four years old and takes her to her grandparents’ house. They use magic to make her forget her mom and dad. But she finds out she is a foreseer.(A person that see’s visions and other things kind of like a witch.) and she starts to have visions when she touches this magic crystal ball. Then she starts having visions about her life when she was a child. She discovers something she doesn’t want to, the father of the boy she loves sent her mother to the underworld and that he was the one that was after her. Worst of all the boy is keeping secrets about her life and he keeps telling lies to her. Then he finally comes clean about why and what she is.
I think it was a really good book and I can’t wait to read the rest of the series and I give it 5 starts.
This is what I think about the book and I hope you like the book as well as my review. I encourage you to read the book and to review it so other people will read it.
Your final review
I really like the book and I think you guys will like it and if I was the people that rated this book I would of gave 5 stars.

The author's comments:
this book is really goood

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