What My Mother Doesn't Know by Sonya Sones | Teen Ink

What My Mother Doesn't Know by Sonya Sones

April 11, 2013
By Andrea Valencia BRONZE, East Palo Alto, California
Andrea Valencia BRONZE, East Palo Alto, California
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What My Mother Doesn’t Know by Sonya Sones

“This is definitely bliss.”, a line from What My Mother Doesn’t Know by Sonya Sones describes her own book. Throughout the struggles with her family relationships, endless gossip with her friends, and the sweetest romance, this book has plenty of bliss. Sophie has a normal teenage life. This book takes place in Sophie’s thoughts. Its all about what she thinks and what happens throughout her days, from her outgoing friends to her never ending love life and to her soap opera watching mom. This book is honest and heartbreaking. Sophie goes through different things, but to get through each and every one of them she is to be true to herself, she trusts herself, and she has the strength to love what makes her heart happy.

What My Mother Doesn’t Know by Sonya Sones is by far one of my favorite books! The book didn’t take as long to read as I thought it was going to. Each page was a new thought and it was never boring. I give this book 4 out of 5 stars! The book had its ups, but it also had its lows. I actually thought the book was going to end differently. I felt like it was missing more towards the end and it just wanted to end and cut it there where it needed to be much more explained. It’s highest points is when I wouldn’t want to stop reading! I just wanted to keep on going. Its fun to read something and knowing that you’re not the only one who has those weird thoughts.

Sonya Sones writes in a poetry form. This makes the book way more fun! She can make it be funny, suspenseful, or even look crazy with the different fonts she uses and at the point where she stops her sentences to make it more dramatic. Also, with those different fonts, she uses it to describe the character and what kind of mood they are in or you can just see how the person is in their personality by their font. I feel like Sonya gets into her own teenage years while writing this book. It’s interesting because all of the things Sonya says is what girls actually think about. What I also liked is the fact that Sonya doesn’t get into the external thoughts of the world, but the internal thoughts of Sophie. I liked this book because I can relate to it and its easier to put myself in their spot and pretend I am the main character.

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