Mister Monday | Teen Ink

Mister Monday

October 1, 2008
By Anonymous

I was scanning through the summer reading list, when I found the most peculiar title I had ever seen. That title was Mister Monday. I read the summary, and found the book to be extremely interesting, so I borrowed it from the library.
As soon as I got home from the library, I cracked open the book to the very first page. Already, there was treachery and an eerie feeling of magic. The prologue told its readers about someone's Will, that hadn't been fulfilled. It had been broken into seven pieces, and scattered across the world and time. The first part of the will was guarded by “Sentinals”, which were creatures that looked a bit like a human, except taller. The will managed to escape this prison.
The author introduces a character, Arthur Penhaligon, who almost dies due to an asthma attack in the cross-country run. Two men appeared before him, and gave him a key and atlas, though one of them was very reluctant to let go of them. The key apparently, helped Arthur breathe. Later, Arthur learns the reason for getting the key. After receiving the key, Arthur and his friends were attacked by dog-faced men. Monday's Noon, an assistant of one of the men who gave him his key, also attacked Arthur, but somehow, Arthur managed to survive.
Author's world is suddenly plagued with a mysterious disease that cause those infected to go into a coma. Arthur decides to enter the House. In the House, he learns a little about the architect, the Will and why he was chosen to get the first key. He also learns that to fulfill the Will, he must defeat Mr. Monday.
Suzy Turquoise Blue, my favorite character, met Arthur as he was exploring the House. She was brave, loyal, and extremely helpful to her friends. She helped Arthur by guiding and introducing him to places in the House.

I believe that the theme of this book is to not be overruled by laziness and greed. Mr. Monday had these traits, was controlled by these, until Arthur cured him with the words, “…Be healed …In body and mind.”
What I especially liked about this book is that as I read on, there were more mysteries. At the end, however, the mysteries were clearly connected. For example, at Arthur's visit with the Old One, he learns many things about the House. Though at first, the Old One pondered whether or not to answer Arthur's questions (“‘…Yet should I help you, hinder you, or simply let be...'”), the Old One eventually decides to help Arthur. He also warns Arthur about over-use of the keys – it could eventually turn him into a denizen, or someone who lives in the House. (“…It will change you, in blood and bone, remaking you in the image of its maker.”)
I would definitely recommend this book for practically anyone who enjoys a bit of magic and battles. This book is full of these, and Garth Nix, the author, puts in a lot of humor into the text. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, and the other books in its series.


This article has 5 comments.

on May. 27 2010 at 11:29 am
haana114 PLATINUM, -, Other
22 articles 2 photos 26 comments
i loved the whole series.i just finished lord sunday and it was great!

sldkfja GOLD said...
on Dec. 25 2009 at 10:09 pm
sldkfja GOLD, Sdflkjdfl, Pennsylvania
17 articles 6 photos 39 comments
I love the book Mister Monday.

122697 said...
on Feb. 18 2009 at 6:27 pm
I loved this book and the following if you enjoy a suspicious and exciting read you should read the rest of his books

on Oct. 3 2008 at 1:36 am
The review is amazing! I really want to read Mister Monday now.

Jan T said...
on Oct. 2 2008 at 9:58 pm
I like the idea that this young author indicated. It is very impressive book