Now You See Her by James Patterson | Teen Ink

Now You See Her by James Patterson

September 4, 2013
By diggitydog BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
diggitydog BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
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James Patterson not only wrote Now you see her, but many other popular thrillers like it. His books have many different twists and turns as they go on. He also donates books everywhere, from schools to overseas.

This book has twists like you’d never expect. Some of Nina’s friends turn out to be her worst enemies. Nina had a fun time in the Keys in college, but a boyfriend mishap changes it all. Being a mother, she tries to hide her old life. But it’s a small world, and some of her “friends” catch up to her.

The book has many surprising plot twists, events, and characters. It was the type of book that you keep turning the pages just to see what happens next.

This book will definitely keep your eyes glued to the pages. With surprises around every corner, I couldn’t put it down! I was disappointed when the book ended. Although I was glad I figured out the whole situation. Good luck guessing what happens next!


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