Speak by Joana Santilan | Teen Ink

Speak by Joana Santilan

October 25, 2013
By Joana123 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
Joana123 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The novel Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson is an amazing book according to the Los Angeles Times Book Prize Finalist. “An uncannily funny book even as it plumbs the darkness.Speak will hold readers from first word to the last.”-The Horn Book, Starred Review.

This book is about a normal girl named Melinda going to a house party and in that house party she calls the cops. Since that day everyone turned their backs on her all throughout the book she is hated and disliked. People call her names , talk about her behind there back, and just push her around because of that. Even though no one really know the reason why she called the cops.

Months pass and she sees no hope of having her friends back. She is an outcast at school. Everyone avoids her. By the story she reveals why she called the cops that night and everything and everyone will change.

This book is an simply wonderful. It is extremely well written It will keep you entertained and wondering what will happen next. It will make you sad and angry at the characters for not caring so much for Melinda. I extremely recommend you read this book. It will make you have a better aspect of life and not to judge peoples decisions.


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