So B. It | Teen Ink

So B. It

October 18, 2008
By Anonymous

So B. It, by Sarah Weeks, is a very interesting story. So B. It is the mom's name, and the daughter's name is Heidi. They are both in a tough situation, partly because there is no male present. Heidi traces through some old items to find out information on her mom's past. In doing this, and So B. It's actions, Heidi cultivates a growing desire to know the meaning of the word "soof". Heidi's mom uses this word a lot, but Heidi gets frustrated because she is never told its meaning.
Heidi and So B. It are the chief characters. Heidi is a teenager, but doesn't go to a real school. She gets homeschooling, mostly from their neighbor, Bernadette. Heidi eventually abandons her mother to trace her past. Once Heidi deserts So B. It, her help is gone. So B. It has so much trouble doing everyday tasks back in Nevada, and Bernadette can't handle her alone.
Most of the story is set where the three of them reside, in Reno, Nevada. When Heidi voyages to New York, Hilltop home, so does the setting follow Heidi all the way there. So B. It is a fictionous novel, and a story full of adventure.
Heidi goes on a cross-country journey to New York for a long time, and learns many important things. An important quote near the very beginning is "But there are some things you just know for no good reason other than you do, and then there are other things that no matter how badly you want to know them, you just can't." This helps undoubtedly set the tone, and is true about Heidi. A little bit later, the quote "As far as I'm concerned, she knew everything there was to know, but that was before I left Reno in search of a four-letter word and discovered along the way that people know only what they know and nothing more than that." This quote also hints at many things to come.
In reading, I discovered that Weeks used flashback and flashforward very effectively. On Pages 201 and 211, flashback is used, both times referring to lists that Heidi makes in her spare time. These help me remember some of how Heidi got to this point. On page 206, foreshadowing is applied, right before Heidi has to go back to Hilltop, and has a meltdown with Thurman Hill, one of the heads of Hilltop.
Heidi constantly tries to locate the meaning of the word "soof", which is the central conflict. In doing this, she is reminded that "there are some things in life a person just can't know."
I believe people of nearly all ages would enjoy this novel. Part of it is that it's different from most other books I have read. The last few words of nearly each chapter usually give us a sneak preview and can create suspense.
One thing that makes this book unique is that it has both funny and sad moments, but more emotional than most books like it. Although it is sad, it also resembles hope.
The book, Regular Guy, also by Weeks, is another adventure story. More adventure stories by Weeks include Guy Time, My Guy, and Beware Of Mad Dog!
There were some very interesting similies used in So B. It On page 98, when Heidi is about to leavee, she said "Her mouth tasted metallic, like the drinking fountain at the library. On Page 127, when Heidi meets Georgia on the way, and after they have gotten to know each other, Heidi describes her and Georgia "Like the two yellow ducks in the memory game."
After I had finished the book, I thought it was a good choice. When I started, I didn't know anything about Sarah Weeks. I found out some interesting things about her.
When I read, I tried to read as many pages as I could at once. For the first time, I was able to remember what had happened after I stopped and went back to read another part. All I can say is that I would highly recommend So B. It.


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