My Sister's Keeper | Teen Ink

My Sister's Keeper

October 20, 2008
By Anonymous

My Sister's Keeper is a coming of age story that kept me engaged from cover to cover. Jodie Picoult creates characters and situations that are easy to relate to. Throughout the coarse of the book, i found myself empathizing with all of the characters and their points of view.

Ana was conceived by her parents in order to be a perfect genetic match for her older sister Kate. At age two Kate was diagnosed with a rare case of leukemia. Ana has spent her whole life as a medical donor for her sister. By the age of thirteen, she has gone through many surgeries, shots, and painful transfusions, starting nearly minutes after she was born. Her parents are now asking her to donate a kidney to Kate, and finally, she has had enough, she decides to take matters into her own hands and, and file a law suit against her family for medical emancipation (freedom to make decisions about her own body.) Even though this decision may put her sister's life in jeopardy, Ana needs to make the best decision for herself.

By the end of this novel, Ana discovers her true self, and as a reader I was incredibly surprised to find the reasoning behind Ana''s decisions, and why she continued , even though her parents were pressing her to drop the law suite. I really enjoyed this book, and have continued treading many books by Jodie Picoult.


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