The Art of Keeping Cool | Teen Ink

The Art of Keeping Cool

November 2, 2008
By Anonymous

In the February of 1942, Robert and his mother and sister have a major problem; Robert's father went to fight against the Germans while he was in the Air Force. They have a lovely home with a big garden, but with Robert's father gone, they cannot tend to the garden, so they need to live elsewhere until he gets home, but where will they go? They end up living in a small home near Robert's grandparents' house, which is from his dad's side of the family that he barely knows about, and in that house lives his unknown of Cousin Elliot. Elliot is a strangely different child, who acts strange and does very strange things, but he is very good at art and is fun to hang out with.

This is a great book filled with much detail, some mystery and suspense, and a little taste of what it may be like for someone to live like that back in those days. This story demonstrates the power of friendship and how far it can take you and it has a great theme. It is a great book for assignments in which you may have to read a book from back in the times of the World War and events like that.

This is a great book to read and I enjoyed it very much so. Even if you may not like books that demonstrate past situations, this is a very good educational book and it is very easy book to follow. It was hard for me to follow sometimes, but besides those times it was pretty good. The characters are greatly described as well as well as the setting and situations. One main thing I enjoyed was the fact that it was one of those kind of those books that make you feel like you're watching the whole movie in your mind, and that is a great quality.


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