Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

February 7, 2014
By Diyaaaaaaa BRONZE, Logan, West Virginia
Diyaaaaaaa BRONZE, Logan, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Catching Fire is a fictional novel written by Suzanne Collins. The main idea of this book is about a girl and a boy fighting for their life and freedom. The author’s purpose of this book is to show you how government control can affect us in real life and how the future could look, by showing it in a story through the eyes of Katniss and Peeta, a couple from District 12. In my opinion, this is an awesome book to read for people who like romance, betrayal, and most of all, rebellion.

In my opinion, this is an awesome book to read for people who like romance, betrayal, and most of all, rebellion. Katniss and Peeta have a lot of loyalty to each other. The fact that they were the last ones standing and they weren’t going to kill each other, but die together by eating poisonous berries at the same time in the first book Hunger Games. For instance, in the book, Peeta said if they had a chance to go back in the arena, he would do it just to protect Katniss. Throughout all three trilogies, there is a strong and powerful government control in Panem. Every year kids go to a reaping, and then if they get picked, they have to fight for their life in order to win, which is betrayal to the districts. President Snow even said that even the strongest among them couldn’t overcome the power of the Capital. In addition, Katniss went out of her way to provide for the less fortunate. Even though she was famous for winning, she still broke the Capital’s law, as a rebellion. Well, if you read this book, you will learn how Katniss and Peeta never gave up.

Furthermore, the author definitely accomplished her goal of purpose for writing Catching Fire. I felt like the author really stated her point while writing this book too. The author made it were the book will draw you in by the third chapter. This book is really interesting and it will make you never want to put it down. It’s a wonderful book to read because I enjoy a lot of mystery in action. If you like mystery in action, I’m sure you will think this is a great book. The entire time I was reading the book, it kept me off the edge of my seat! Also, I like this book even more because it came out with a movie. I love reading books and watching a movie about it with a passion. The fact that the movie was exactly like the book, made it even more interesting too!

Overall, Catching Fire is a really powerful book to read. There are so many strong meanings that will shock you out of the blue. Equivalent to what I said in the paragraphs before, the author’s purpose was to put ourselves in the position on how government control affects us. It must be hard for Katniss and Peeta, and their families to have to go in the reaping every year, knowing that only ONE can survive. This book has a lot of twists and turns that will make your mind so confused, that you would want to read more to understand it. It holds your attention, because it's like no ordinary book. If your into romance, betrayal, and rebellion, this book is for you. May the odds be ever in your favor!


This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 12 2014 at 2:39 pm
AGRIFFIN BRONZE, Logan, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
''Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard''
- kevin durant

I think you presented the main points of this fiction story ''catching fire'' very well. the way you have decribed the story without giving away the plot is also good. this review you wrote in all is very good. this review you have wrote strongly makes me want to read ''catching fire.''