The Fault In Our Stars | Teen Ink

The Fault In Our Stars

February 7, 2014
By elawrence BRONZE, Logan, West Virginia
elawrence BRONZE, Logan, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

The book I read was the Fault In Our Stars, the book is about Hazel a girl that has a bad case of lung cancer. I would reccomed this book to teenagers because it talks about real life events that happen to teenagers. I believe this book is intended for teen age girls and boys. The authors purpose for this book is to show how real life events that occur in teenagers lives. The book is a first person book because it talks about how her and Augutus doing things. I like this book becuase it tells me about trails in life, romance and teenagers. The author of this book is John Green and the book is non-fiction.

In this book the main points of the book are that Hazel has cancer and there really isn't a cure for her to get rid of the cancer. Hazel's mother told Hazel that she spends to much time in the house so therefore Hazel's mother decided to make her go to a support group. She wasn't very thrilled to be going to the the support group meeting that evening. Hazel went to satisfy her mother and turns out that Hazel acutually enjoyed the meeting even though she hardly knew the people that went. Once Hazel finally decided that she wanted to complete out the group meetings she saw a boy there that she kinda thought she would like. Hazel and Augustus started talking after they kept going to the support group meetings.

I do believe that the author does achieve his purpose of the book becuase he gave real life events and showed how it effected the persons life. My opinion of the book I read was that it was a good book. When I started reading the book I really didn't think that I would like it but, by the middle of the book it caught my attention and I really enjoyed the book. Also I liked the book because it showed how a teenage girl could fall in love with someone she didn't completely know anything about him. Do you think that Augustus and Hazel will start dating or not? I would reccomend this book for middle school kids. I believe that compared to the other books I have read this book is an amazing book that showed real experienceses that happen.

I enjoyed this book because it tells me about trails in life, romance and teenagers. The main points in this book are how Hazel has cancer and they can't find a cure for the cancer. The book is kind of heartbreaking bacause of what happens in Hazel's life. I belive that the book is a wonderful book to read and I enjoyed telling you about what I read.

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on Feb. 12 2014 at 2:38 pm
Sara Akers BRONZE, Logan, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
I really liked your review, it was good! Rate; 8

kcart123 said...
on Feb. 12 2014 at 2:34 pm
kcart123, Logan, West Virginia
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments
I really liked the review! Rate: 8.5