House Rules by Jodi Picoult | Teen Ink

House Rules by Jodi Picoult

March 14, 2014
By Anonymous

The Novel House Rules by Jodi Picoult, revolves a story around Jacob Hunt. Jacob is a teenage boy who has Aspergers Syndrome. Jacobs mother gets him a tutor, Jess, who helps him with his social skills. One day Jess was house sitting and asked Jacob to meet her there. Jacob called calls her to make sure she was there; however, she was not. Jacob goes back home in a panic. His mother, Emma is unaware of what had happened. One week later Jacobs mother is inform that Jess, the tutor, is missing. Later on Jess is killed and nobody knows who killed Jess; however, Jacob confesses to the crime and took the consequence of what his brother committed. Theo is a very complicated kid who has a lot of emotions built up. Evidently, Theo went to therapy and later told the truth about his actions and was put into prison. In the Story Jacobs mother, Emma, Committed suicide because she felt terrible. Jacob is my favorite character because he was outgoing and cared nothing about what people thought about him; although, he a mental disability, he did not let it get in the way of his academics. Jacob his intentions was not to hurt anybody, all he wanted to do is “protect” his family.

I have not experienced this type of situation before, but if I was in the same situation as Theo I would probably feel guilty about my brother taking the blame for my actions. An idea in the book that connects to life today is being truthful. In today's world many do not step up and take credit on what they have done. They rather sit back and watch others take all the blame. In This situation, he had done a terrible thing. he knew what he had done but watched his brother take the blame for him.

In my honest opinion I think this was a good book. It caught my attention very quickly, I could not put it down. The book had so much feelings and actions you could relate to. The whole story was a plot twister. I would recommend this book to a friend because of how quickly it caught my attention.


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