Tuck Everlasting | Teen Ink

Tuck Everlasting

April 2, 2014
By A_Forgotten_Rose BRONZE, Moundsville, West Virginia
A_Forgotten_Rose BRONZE, Moundsville, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever wondered what its like to live forever? Where you never grow older or sick. You never know what death is like and will live till the end of the world, maybe even longer. Tuck Everlasting is a great novel that expresses that living forever is not a rainbow. It also expresses to live you life to its fullest and love like you will never die. The narrator of this book describes a young girl named Winnifred Foster, or best known as Winnie, a stranger in a yellow suit that knows more than he should, and the Tucks.

Winnifred Foster is a young girl, that feels trapped within the iron fence that keeps her inside, isolating her from the outside world. Though, Winnie is a young and spirited girl, she feels like no one understands her, which a lot of people can relate to. One day, she decided to take a walk in the wood, that lays outside her fence. Exploring the woods, she sees something that she should not have and meets Jessie, a young man that mysteriously knows a lot for his age.

Soon, Winnifred finds herself in the mist of a secret. Jessie and his family can live forever. The character struggles with what to do and who she can trust. Though, in the middle of the book, Winnie finds herself falling in love, and expriences a tragic moment when she has to seprate from her dear Tucks. Though, the character learns that the man in the yellow suit is the man that wants to destroy the Tucks and sell the magic water.

This amazing work of fiction has been read all over the world. It is loved by many people and has awards for the well written story of Winnie, the Tucks, and the man in the yellow suit. There has been many people that have reviewed this and loved it. It also is a moving picture, but a lot of people like the book better. This is an amazing work of fiction that will have you wanting to know more and more about the book.

Personally, I loved this book. Many times, I cheered on Winnifred and cried with her. This book left me, feeling and seeing the world differently. I learned that living forever comes with a price not everyone can pay. When you finish this extrodinary novel the author’s words and characters will be with you forever.

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