Angels Watching Over Me | Teen Ink

Angels Watching Over Me

November 17, 2008
By Devon Henry BRONZE, Prosser, Washington
Devon Henry BRONZE, Prosser, Washington
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Set after the Civil War in Charlotte, North Carolina, Angels Watching Over Me, tells the story about two girls who, live two completely different lives, have to come together to survive on their own. One girl, Mayme, is a 15 year old black girl who has to struggle with the issues and effects of slavery. Katie, the daughter of a rich plantation owner, also has to struggle with the issues and effects of slavery, but she also has to learn to live on her own and not have everything handed to her. While Katie lives on a plantation that her family owns, Mayme is a slave that works for very little. After a tragic accident, these two girls get brought together, and have to learn to live on their own without getting discovered.

In Angels Watching Over Me, both Mayme and Katie have to deal with issues in restarting their lives. The author, Michael Phillips, uses the themes starting over and choices to show all the issues the two girls had when dealing with everything going on. Both girls look up to God for help in their difficult times: “God”, Katie said out loud, “I'm alone and don't know what to do, like Mayme has been telling me. So I want to open the door of my heart to you, and ask you to help me. Please come in and show me what you want us to do. And thank you, God, for bringing Mayme here. She's about the best friend that I could have ever imagined. Amen.” Author, Michael Phillips, uses surprises to keep the reader entertained. At one point he makes the book go kind of slow, and then he brings something exciting and unexpected making the reader continue reading.

Angels Watching Over Me is written like Daniel's Story by Carol Matas. Both authors do a good job on slowing down the pace, then bringing in something unexpected. They both grab the reader and keep them reading. This story was very well written. Phillips didn't make it confusing, and keeps you wanting to read more, and later finish it. Phillips also makes the book not confusing by explaining everything without getting the reader bored. Angels Watching Over Me is an excellent book for readers who like easy-to-understand, normal-paced, historical fiction books. This book would is recommended for teenage girls eighth grade and above because the plot is good, but the author uses some strong language and uses clear descriptions of everything.


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