The Dark Half by Stephen King | Teen Ink

The Dark Half by Stephen King

November 17, 2008
By Anonymous

Set in a little town in Castle Rock, Maine, The Dark Half tells a story about a really famous writer. His name is Thad Beaumont and Thad has always wanted to write books. Thad followed his dream of writing for the American teen. When Thad grew up, he wrought books under the name George Stark because he was no longer allowed to write under his own name. As he wrought under the name George Stark, it's like as if Thad was a totally new person! George Stark wrought the most horror filled books in all the U.S. When George wrought his books, you could tell there was some sort of…evilness in his writing. Thad wrought a few books under the name George Stark just to satisfy the many fans, until he got a job in the people magazine. As the story goes on and as it informs you, Thad was suspected of murdering a man named Homer Gamache, which was found near his summer home…dead! The police found evidence of Thad's fingerprints all over the crime scene. Things are looking really bad for Thad, until Thad has a nightmare about George Stark...Thad's dark half! The psycho killing machine is alive and on the loose and will kill everything that gets in his way!
Author Stephen King strongly uses the themes of horror and confusion in his intensified book of The Dark Half. Throughout the whole book there is so much horror that it gets to your mind and you think that the problem in the book can really happen. Stephen King uses horror really well in this book because there were moments in the book that you just didn't want to read on. When the author writes about the characters in the book, he builds them up really well. Like the way he builds up George Stark, Stephen King uses the best details to give you mental picture in your mind. Also the author uses other methods to give you a whole lot better understanding of what the characters are like. “Cut him,” Machine said. “Cut him while I stand here and watch. I want to see the blood flow. Don't make me tell you twice.” This is a quote from the book Machines Way, written by George Stark. The quote shows how insane George stark really is! Stephen King has used the best horror in this book that keeps you on your toes to find out what happens next in this thrilling book!

This book is strongly recommended for people that are really big fans of horror. People thirteen and over should read this book because it has some strong language and there are parts in the book that will make you sick to your stomach. The genre in The Dark Half is also similar to the books that the famous author R.L. Stine has written to. What the two authors both have in common in there writing is the way they describe the horror in their books. Both of the authors use the best details to get the horror in you. The Dark Half is a great story because it has breath taking horror that leaves you guessing in each chapter of what might happen to the characters. This book is one of my scariest and most favorite books yet! Once you start to read this book you will not be able to put it down. Stephen King's novels are the ones to have in your home.


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