SWAMPLANDIA! by Karen Russell | Teen Ink

SWAMPLANDIA! by Karen Russell

May 2, 2014
By hbross44 BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
hbross44 BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Swamplandia”, by Karen Russell is the thrilling story of a family of Alligator wrestlers. The novel has many great components which contribute to the amazing work of literature. Some of these great components include clarity and escape from reality. The story was easy to follow and was not difficult to understand despite the many aspects of which the author, Karen Russell, was challenged to cover. The only issue with this book was the reflection of real life, because the story did not in any way reflect a real circumstance. Another excellent aspect of this novel was the escape from reality that this book presented. While reading this book, the reader will often find themselves lost in the story and becoming emotionally attached to the characters as well as the plot. The book captivates the readers imagination and attention for extended periods of time. If a reader is interested in a fiction piece of literature that keeps the reader on the edge of their seat than this book is just right. An excellent story combined with the constant thrills and action which leave the reader expecting plot twists at every turn which is truly amazing. Karen Russell has a way of connecting with her readers through the characters she creates. Her vernacular writing style makes this book an easy read and also an enjoyable past time. This book has all characteristics of a bestseller and is definitely worth reading.

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