Help for the Haunted by John Searles | Teen Ink

Help for the Haunted by John Searles

May 2, 2014
By AlexOlson BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
AlexOlson BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Help for the Haunted

From the very start of Help for the Haunted, I was hooked. It started off so mysterious, and was a little slow, but that is what made me want to keep reading. The author, John Searles, did an excellent job of creating great imagery and made it seem alive. The book was about a father and a mother who help others who think they are haunted. One night their daughter Rose Mason, who has run off, calls and asks them to meet her in the church. Their other daughter, Sylvie Mason, went along, but fell asleep in the car. She woke up to hearing a gunshot in the church, only to find her parents dead on the floor. Throughout the story, Sylvie is trying to put the pieces together to find the murderer, and along the way she finds out things about her parents that she never knew.

Throughout the entire story, the book was very easy to read and to follow along. There were a few parts where I had to re-read pages, but besides that, it was very clear and concise. Also, the author did not use confusing words so that the reader could understand. The author spent a lot of time focusing on this so that the reader could really feel involved in the story.

This novel had a good rating on reflection of reality. In this story, there was no happy ending. It demonstrated the issues that can go on inside of a family. This novel was something believable and that some people can actually relate too. They had normal lives and daily routines that people in the real world also have. Also, it showed the ways certain people can act towards the people that they are close too. It shows how easily a person can pick to be good or evil.

Overall, this book was a great read. It was so thrilling and kept me on my toes throughout the entire thing. I would highly recommend it to any teenager.


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