Bronxs Masquerade | Teen Ink

Bronxs Masquerade

December 5, 2008
By Anonymous

An English class high school has started something new called “Open Mike Fridays”. Tyrone Bitttings a student in Mr. Ward’s class is the main character; he is a very cocky kid who thinks he knows every thing and every one. But as he listens to each one of his eighteen classmates pomes, his opinion of them changes. As each student reads there poem you learn something new about them. Like Lupe Algarin, a very lonely girl who wants a baby to feel loved, or Leslie Lucas, who has lost her mother and trying to fit in. You should read this book, if you like a story with real characters, and a lot of emotions. I like this book because the of the way its writin, it has the poems of the stunden’ts , and tells what they feel. Also the characters are so real, the author Nikki Grimes really seems to understand to teens are. I think anyone one who reads this will really enjoy it!


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