Daisy Fay and the Miracle Man | Teen Ink

Daisy Fay and the Miracle Man

December 10, 2008
By Anonymous

Daisy Fay and the Miracle Man is a comedy written by Fannie Flagg. The book came out in 1992 and was a New York Times best seller, calling her a born storyteller. Fannie Flagg also wrote other hits such as Fried Green Tomatoes and the Whistle Stop Café.

The book is about a 12-year-old girl who just starting to realize what is going on in life. The book is set in her diary, where she tries to write as much as possible about her days. She wants everyone to know about her parents, grandparents and all of the people that she interacts with. The book is set in 1952 in southern states.

It shows the transformation that young adults go through and how they see things. The family in the book never has a lot, and when the father hears about an opportunity to invest in a malt shop, he jumps at it. He needs just $500 to get on his way. The family moves to Shell Beach and takes over a malt shop with the mother not so happy about the situation.

Daisy goes on telling us why her parents split up and a secret about the stash in the freezer. Through this book you get to journey the southern life from the eyes of a 12-year-old.

Daisy Fay and the Miracle Man shows how it is growing up in a family with not a lot of money: The hard tasks that every family goes through and how to deal with them. The young girl is a complete tomboy and wants to play and get dirty while her mom wants her to be proper. She conveys that people need to live the way that they want to live and not let people tell them how to act. Be you no matter what is the message given off.

The book was great. Everyone should read it. It did a really good job explaining how the characters in the story felt and how they related with each other. It was a lot like real life. The setting fit in with the timing of the book. All characters kept you on your toes and it was no stop laugh with every chapter. This book is great for a book report or just something to pass the time. Every kid goes through a stage where they want to explore everything that’s out there and this book shows them to not be scared to do what they want.

Daisy Fay and the Miracle Man is a true work of art. People everywhere should take time to read it. The book really put a picture of what was happening and you feel like you are watching a movie. I never wanted to put it down. Between the humor and the message, how could you not like this book?

Daisy Fay is a realistic character that everyone can relate with. It brings out many interesting aspects of people lives and about themselves. You walk away feeling like you know yourself better and become very observant of what’s happening around you. Comedy and life all rolled up in one.


This article has 1 comment.

Rubber Ducky said...
on Dec. 11 2008 at 5:50 pm
This is an awesome review. She did a perfect job and sound very intelligent!