The 39 Clues The Maze of bones by Rick Riordan | Teen Ink

The 39 Clues The Maze of bones by Rick Riordan

May 9, 2014
By Nixon Guedes BRONZE, New York City, New York
Nixon Guedes BRONZE, New York City, New York
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Do you want to go on an adventure of a lifetime that you won’t regret? Well then try The 39 Clues The Maze of Bones written by Rick Riordan. Rick Riordan was born in Jan 5 1964. He also created the entire series of Percy Jackson & the Olympians. Rick studied at the University of Texas at Austin. The genre of this book is mystery but it also an action fiction. The moral of this book is that in every journey, there’s an adventure.
Amy and Dan are the protagonists who go in a dangerous scavenger hunt around the world. They face a lot of challenges on the way but they never gave up. They had a very close relationship with their grandmother who passed away. She also hosted the challenge for her family to win a grand prize. The hard part is that they needed to compete against their own family members and they aren’t the nicest people in the world.
My favorite part of this book is when Amy and Dan go through a maze to try to find a clue but they meet a mysterious character in the way. This part was my favorite because I like books that mention situations where people are confused but they use their mind to help them solve a problem. This also made me want to read the rest of the series because I wanted to know what other adventure they will go on next to win the scavenger hunt.
The 39 Clues: The Maze of Bones consisted of many examples of figurative language like onomatopoeia, similes, metaphors, etc.This book did a really good job in characterizing the character in a way you’ll understand and picture them clearly. Some people can connect with this book because while traveling and going on trips, I’ve been offered several opportunities that I’ve rejected. After a while, I thought it would be a great adventure and I should give it a try. I think many people might have gone through a similar situation. Overall, I would recommend this book to anybody who likes mystery books but has a side of them filled with adventure. I highly recommend this book to people that watched or have read the book Percy Jackson & The Olympians because it’s written by the same author. If you liked that book, you’ll enjoy The 39 Clues The Maze of Bones.


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