Crossed by Allie Condie | Teen Ink

Crossed by Allie Condie

May 14, 2014
By Abs24 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Abs24 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

After reading Crossed, by Ally Condie, I felt like I took away no lesson or anything worth my time. This Dystopian-Romance was filled with dry details and hardly any action. Since the book was written in mainly one setting, it was not engrossing at all. Truthfully, I wouldn’t recommend this book to anyone who enjoys fast-paced action. This book had no suspense and was very boring. Even the love connection between two important characters was uneventful.

Crossed is about a young adult named Cassia Reyes. She dwells in a mundane society were officials choose who you marry. Cassia is on a journey to find who she thinks is her true love, Ky. She plunges into a deep challenge to take on mother nature in a large canyon and find him. Even though she thinks that she is looking for love, it may be something more essential. With society hot on their tail, will they get caught? Along the way, she discovers what love is, and if it will last.

From the beginning of this book I had high expectations, but I came out disappointed. The book was lacking important events and exciting drama. Crossed was honestly a waste of my time and wasn’t worth the 367 pages. I would recommend this book to people who like romance. The book was lacking in detail but I think that it would satisfy suckers for passion and love. Even though I finished the book, it was pointless to the series. The book was poor, but I am left wanting the final outcome of Cassia’s decision for love, and the result of the society.

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