"The Temptation" by alisa valdes | Teen Ink

"The Temptation" by alisa valdes

May 16, 2014
By Anonymous

The book I read was “The Temptation” by Alisa Valdes. The main idea of the story is finding and not letting go of your loved one. In the book the main characters are Shane, Travis, Buddy, Kelsey, and, victor. This book has a couple of kindred’s and they are between the underworld and heaven because he did something bad so it’s almost like a second chance to find out where you go.
Shane is a 17 year old girl and she lives in New Mexico. Shane is driving to a concert on a snowy day and gets in a car accident when Travis comes and save her and they fall in love but the cant be in love because he’s could die. So the main conflict is that ‘Shane and Travis cannot be together because it would literally kill Travis. The first important development is when they tell each other that they like each other. The second one is when Travis says he can’t be in her life anymore because it’s too hard to kiss her. The third one is when they finally kiss and then he gets taken away to see he he’s going to be able to stay with Shane or not. The tension was really exciting to be reading but at one point I wanted them to just be happy and date.

Shane is a very outgoing girl who at the end of the story is getting way brave and I wish I could be that brave. Shane is also a very talented young girl because she plays main roles in orchestra concerts. Travis is alive during the day and during the night he this little glowing figures. Travis saves people’s lives by his magical powers. Kelsey is Shane’s best friend who thinks Shane is going crazy. Buddy is her dog who Shane loves so much and he almost dies and then Travis saves him. Then buddy gets stolen by victor. Victor is the guy that shot Travis’s dad and stole buddy so he’s not really friendly. Travis is Shane’s lover. Travis and victor are enemy. Kelsey and Shane are best friends. Buddy is Shane’s dog. Well Victor kidnaps Shane and Kelsey and almost kills them but then Travis comes and saves the day like always so I guess you can say Travis is the hero in this book. He will risk everything to save Shane.

My favorite part in this book is when Shane and Travis finally kiss. Because I knew for the first time that they met that they belonged together. I really like how the author Alisa Valdes wrote this book because she had all my favorite types of reading in ti. There was romance, action, confusion, irony, suspense, and danger. I think those ages between 13 and 17 because it fits perfectly with that age group. I would recommend girls to read this book when they have a bad relationship.

This book was mostly entertaining and amusing. I wish the book didn’t end where it ended because I don’t know if Travis and Shane end up together or not. But overall, this book was an amazing book to read.

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