All My Friends Are Still Dead by Avery Monsen and Jory John | Teen Ink

All My Friends Are Still Dead by Avery Monsen and Jory John

August 15, 2014
By &#39Aukai Yung BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
&#39Aukai Yung BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
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My Friends are Still Dead
Friends, how would you feel if you had no friends? Perhaps you would try and make a friend or possibly even more than one. What if you were a robot and you weren’t programmed to make friends? Well, this picture story is about all the different people who struggle to make friends. If you like laughs and love to chuckle this is the book for you! Avery Monsen and Jory John are the perfect two to write this book because their books are so simple and they’re humorous at the same time! This story speaks of the different people who don’t have friends. Robot tries to make friends with his kind, such as the refrigerator, but it doesn’t work out. He tries to make friends but isn’t programmed to do so. Avery Monsen is an actor, artist, and writer who lives in New York City. Jory John is a writer, editor, and journalist who lives in California. I believe the theme of this story is friendship because the authors made it funny and they used their characters to express their theme. As I read this book I chuckled a lot when I read some parts of the book! Not only does this book talk just about friendship it talks about how the authors cleverly uses metaphors. Especially when there were two gold fish! I laughed super hard as I read it because all the gold fish friends were dead! He couldn’t believe his old friend died and was already replaced! Then he told the new goldfish “Shoot. Marcus owed me money.” That’s when I started to snigger like crazy! If you would like to read this book I would recommend this to you. For me this book really taught me how friendship is important and you should always cherish it. Just to let you know this book is really quick read and if you want to buy this book go right ahead. “All my Friends are Still Dead” was a well written book, in my overall opinion. If you stop by a library make sure to check out this book and read it! You can definitely read it inside of a library because it is so short!

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