A Face First | Teen Ink

A Face First

December 17, 2008
By Jessica Cox PLATINUM, Dexter, Michigan
Jessica Cox PLATINUM, Dexter, Michigan
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This book is really good. I didn't want to put it down! It has a great story, and I would recommend it to everyone. The book A Face First, by Priscilla Cumming's, as I read I could feel Kelly's pain, and what she was feeling, and going though. I think the characters fit perfect with the story. Even though this book is sad about the 12-year-old girl suffering so much pain. And her families watching her suffer. But it had and good story, and lots of love in it.

This book about a twelve-year-old girl named Kelly that gets in a terrible accident with a speeding truck on her way home from a ballet class one afternoon. And her having to stay in the hospital, at first not being able to see. For her or any one that would be a scary experience, and have her body and skin being burnt from accident. Even her small green frog earring, melted into a different shape on her ear.

I like how the author has you wanting to read the book. And read how a strong twelve year old goes though a very difficult time and being strong with going through surgeries and anything so she can be well again. It's sad and very deep. Has a lot of feelings in it, and a lot with what's going on and how the characters or feeling and thinking.
I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good book, with real life struggles and truths that can happen to anyone. My favorite character is the main character, Kelly, with how she goes through so much to get better again, with the support of her family. She stays strong and is brave. While being horribly injured and burned from a melting hot temperature from an accident. Not knowing what happened when it hits you. While being in pain and recovering at a hospital. I feel this book is very good, and enjoyed reading it.


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