Allegiant by Veronica Roth | Teen Ink

Allegiant by Veronica Roth

August 29, 2014
By Doges BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
Doges BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
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     What's outside the fence? You'll never know unless you read Allegiant. It's a really action packed and romantic book because there is a lot of perspective changing. Other wise it's good. The author is Veronica Roth, she also wrote the two other books in the series Divergent and Insurgent. I would most definitely recommend the book it is by far one of the best books I've ever read.

     I think the book is geared towards teens or young adults. It has some pretty complex words in some parts. The situations in the book can be pretty complex too, but then again some aren't. Allegiant is a very understandable book as long as you read the series in order. With school reading level I would say it would be around a seventh or eighth grade level.

     Veronica's emotion is pretty noticeable in the book. How is the way she makes the characters talk. Like when someone dies she really puts a lot of emotion in the characters voice. She also puts in a lot of emotion when Tris and Tobias are together. Towards the end I believe she was mad at herself the way she wrote near the final two or three chapters.

     Allegiant is still mainly about the divergent people and the factions. The characters are relatively the same with a few new additions. Yes Tris and Tobias are still in the book. There are multiple settings in the book. Although the main one is a secret. So I'm not going to reveal that.

     Well the book was defiantly amazing. Although there were some twists and turns it was still good. I would recommend it to all teens.


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