The Fault in Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

August 31, 2014
By smallory BRONZE, South Charleston, West Virginia
smallory BRONZE, South Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green was the best book I have ever read. Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters are the main characters. They are two teenagers dealing with cancer. They don't have the same kind of cancer, but neither of theirs' is good. I'm not saying any cancer is good, but some, you most likely will survive and others, not so much. 


This book is for teenagers all around. Most likely they will get a good perspective from it. The book gives lots of information, and as I was reading, I felt like I was a part of it. Hazel and Augustus make me feel special inside because they both have cancer, but aren't sad people. I think to myself how lucky I am. They are happy while they can be. The story makes perfect sense and you won't want to stop reading. I understood it very well.


John Green, the author of this book, brought a lot of emotion to the table. I cried a lot while reading it, but I also laughed a lot. The emotion of the book brought lots of thrill. I didn't want to stop going on. The way he describes things about each character really got my attention. For example "His eyes were so blue it's like I could see right through them." 


This novel was very easy to catch onto, and put in well sequence. Many things pop along as you're reading. You will start to feel anxious, worried, and even loved. Hazel and Augustus are both very believable. The stuff they go through, real people also deal with. As I'm reading, I feel Hazels pain and Augustus Waters. The way John Green writes about his characters will make you feel like them. The ending of this story is very sad, but in a way, very charming. I know everything doesn't end well for the two, Hazel and Augustus, but they both lived happily together as long as they could. The lesson to learn from this book is cherish what you have because you never know when you'll lose it.


This book in my opinion was wonderful. I didn't want to stop reading it. I cried a lot, but that's not a bad thing. I'll just say this, I don't like reading at all because I barely read. But this book, I could read a thousand times and never get tired of it. I think if you're interested in reading something, read "The Fault in Our Stars."



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