Ophelia by Lisa Klien | Teen Ink

Ophelia by Lisa Klien

October 13, 2014
By LiveForLoveToday SILVER, Pargould, Arkansas
LiveForLoveToday SILVER, Pargould, Arkansas
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Ophelia                  By Lisa Klein
I loved the book Ophelia by Lisa Klein. I was hooked after reading the first chapter and just couldn’t put the book down. While reading the book I felt an emotional connection to it. It was as if I was Ophelia in the flesh and blood. At times I got so caught up in the book that I thought it was reality. There is lots of emotional roller-coaster in this book. I’m not going to lie but at one point in time I wanted to break down in tear. Ophelia is a virtuous woman that falls in love with the prince, Hamlet. They must keep their love hidden from his mother and father since Hamlet is to marry some princess to combine kingdoms. When their love starts to grow by each passing day disaster finally strikes. His father is murdered, his uncle takes the throne and marries his mother and he is over come with madness. Hamlet pushes away Ophelia and seeks revenge for his father’s murder. There is a long trail of deception, lies, treason, and the pain of losing the people close to them.

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