A Child Called "It" | Teen Ink

A Child Called "It"

November 20, 2014
By alysia Arguijo BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
alysia Arguijo BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As a young child, all the zoo trips, vacations, Christmas gifts, and birthday gift given to you from the two people who care the most about you. Your parents. Then one day, all of a sudden no-more gifts, you get beatings, no-more vacations, you have to starve, and your not as special to anyone not even your own siblings.

David had just got out of the First grade and wasn’t even sure if he would live to see the Second grade, maybe not even see the next day. He went from being everyone’s favorite to being everyone’s maid, and also their punching bag. When he’s beat and starved almost to death by his mother he tries his hardest to try to survive because he knows he’s way stronger than her in a way. At school, the bruises are noticeable to the teachers even the students, but no-one realizes what REALLY happened for them to appear all over his body because of the lies David has been taught at home to tell others so he wouldn’t get help. 7years old and is trying to reach out and get help to get out of the hell house that was once the house he never wanted to leave. David fights for his life.

Dave Pelzer shares with us his childhood as being a young boy in A Child Called “It”. I recommend this book to everyone who has been abused or is still getting abused, this should teach them never to be afraid to let anyone know or help them get out of that situation because it can get very bad. Children 8years and older should read this book it’s very powerful and I think they could really understand it, to know that some people aren’t cared for as much as we are and we never know what can be happening at their homes so never judge anyone at school or anywhere just because of the way they smell, or even dress because maybe that’s all they can afford or their experiencing the same situation as David. Be grateful for the things you have and to know that younger kids and even our age go through this struggle everyday.

A Child Called “It” is a wonderful book, it will make you come to huge tears and want to love kids even more! If your not really a reader or don’t like books as much read A Child Called “It” and I’m sure you will LOVE IT! The story will make you feel sad, and the things in it about what his mother did will make you want to think like who would do this to such an innocent child? There are lots of evil people in the world and Dave has even lived with some. I recommend you to read this inspiring book of such a strong young boy who was able to survive a terrible life as a child.

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