My Ántonia by Willa Cather | Teen Ink

My Ántonia by Willa Cather

November 29, 2014
By chrixtne2468 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
chrixtne2468 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Willa Cather’s novel, My Ántonia, explores a world of a young, and yet expressive life of a pioneer; a women who faces a reality in which she have to adapt to from a world so unknown to her. There, she meets Jimmy, a fellow in which he wanted to know more about her, and eventually, becomes a wife on the Nebraska farm.


As I started to read this interesting, and well-developed novel, I thought the novel is about the frontier, and an old-schooled story about the west, but as I progressed throughout the story of the book, it is about a young women, from a world unknown to her; she becomes someone who ought to fit in society. First, the story takes place in a Nebraska town. A Bohemian family arrives in the Nebraska town, and Jimmy and the Otter Fuchs are there to greet their acquaintances. Jimmy, a young fellow, is interested in Ántonia, and wants to know more about her, and therefore, gets a chance to meet the young lady. As Ántionia gets fonder of her surroundings, Jimmy notices how much she knows her world. Together, both are destined to reach their potential.

I did somehow enjoy the book, but there are quite a few things I don’t understand. The fact that there is Roman numeral numbers within the chapter that meant that there is a different sub-story to it made it a tad bit confusing. But overall, it was a pleasant story.

I definitely recommend My Ántonia by Willa Cather to anyone that will enjoy a taste of the past and how two strangers make a living and manage to help each other.

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