At Home With Animals | Teen Ink

At Home With Animals

December 5, 2014
By brooklyn9899 GOLD, Defiance, Ohio
brooklyn9899 GOLD, Defiance, Ohio
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At Home With Animals By Allen Ho is an amazing memoir.  This piece of work makes me really think and review over my life, and I can relate so much to this memoir.  When I was little I was so shy. I wouldn’t really talk to people and I am still not comfortable with new people.

I always had animals at our house weather it was a new cat we found off the street or a puppy from the rescue shelter.  This is how I found out about my love for animals.  Even though I got over most of my shyness and stuttering,  I will always be able to talk to animals than humans.  I want to work in a animal shelter, just like Allen did.  I felt this strong connection between this story and I.

The author's comments:

i really connect with this.


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