The Stupidest Angel by Christopher Moore | Teen Ink

The Stupidest Angel by Christopher Moore

January 14, 2009
By Anonymous

Zombies rising from the grave on Christmas Eve? Only in The Stupidest Angel, Christopher Moore's hilarious holiday novel.

The bloody murder of Dale Pearson, dressed as Santa Claus, is witnessed by 7-year-old Joshua Barker. He naturally believes in Santa, so when he sees the murder, he believes to have seen Santa die with a shovel in his neck. Then comes Raziel, a dim-witted angel who was sent to Earth to grant the wish of a child for his Nativity mission. He hears Josh wish for Santa to come back to life for Christmas, and so he finds the graveyard where Dale was hastily buried and brings all the dead back to life. Outside a Church. On Christmas Eve.

Christopher Moore's “Heartwarming Tale of Christmas Terror” will never fail to get a laugh. Moore uses all types of humor in his story, from the eccentric and ridiculous Kendra, Warrior Babe of the Outland, to the eerily realistic Theophilus Crowe. No matter who you are, his cynical portrayal of a small town tourist trap in southern California is sure to get a chuckle out of you.

Moore also keeps the story moving with frequent scene changes and multiple sub-plots. This may seem confusing at first, but you quickly get used to the fast pace of things. The story wouldn't work the same if it had long stretches of first person narration. The scene changes help the story, not hurt it.

I would recommend this book to all except children, seniors, and those who are easily offended, as this book contains some ‘adult' moments. To anyone else, this book is a great read that would get you stares in public for laughing so hard.


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