Born to Run by Christopher McDougall | Teen Ink

Born to Run by Christopher McDougall

May 21, 2015
By Jessica Mohrlang BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Jessica Mohrlang BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Born to Run
Born to Run by Christopher McDougall was a decent book. This book is a good source of facts about different ways to run. For people that have a lot of pain while they run, it will be a good book to read. However, for people with no interest in running facts this is not a book to read. There is more to the book than just facts about running. The author, Christopher McDougall, does a good job of incorporating information about the Tarahumara indians and ultra-marathon runners who run hundreds of miles at once. Although he did a good job at this, he is very repetitive throughout the whole book. McDougall switches back and forth from writing about the Tarahumara to ultra-marathon runners. Between these two topics, he is constantly repeating the same things about each of them. The writing is interesting and easy to read, but the ideas begin to get boring after reading about them multiple times. The ending of the book is better than the rest of the book. McDougall stops switching topics and begins writing about his own experience. This transitions makes the book much easier to follow and more enjoyable to read. To add to this, the topic itself becomes more interesting to read about. The book was an average. Nothing made it stand out as great, but it was not bad either. Born to Run is a good book for people passionate about running, but not a book that everyone will enjoy.

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