The Maze Runner by James Dashner | Teen Ink

The Maze Runner by James Dashner

August 21, 2015
By NicholasMarrujo BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
NicholasMarrujo BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
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The author of The Maze Runner is by James Dashner, an author who wrote a series of 3 books that is New York Times best selling series. The book is about a boy who’s name is Thomas who wakes up in a dark shaft not knowing anything but his name. The shaft gets to the top and Thomas is greeted by other guys around his age. These kids are stuck in an unknown place they call the glade where they lived. In the glades there was a large maze that only designated people would go into the maze and these people were called the maze runners.
In the Glade all the people there are men and one day after Thomas arrives a girl shows up from the shaft. The girl shows up and start blabbing about random things and then falls into a deep coma. Then crazy things start to happen. The maze door stayed open during the night and there is a big bug in the maze called a Griever that kill people and know that the maze is always open the Grievers come out of the maze and started killing off the kids. 
Thomas and the remaining people had to run in the maze and survive and also memorize the movement of the maze to find and exit. Thomas figures out that the walls aren’t moving for fun but maybe because it’s a code that they have to decipher to get out of the  maze. At the end of the book they figure out that they are apart of an experiment and everything is being controlled by creators. (“ As for you, all of you- you're just a few million orphaned. They tested thousands, chose you for the big one. The ultimate test. Everything you lived through was thought through.”) (pg.366)
My opinion of the Maze Runner is it’s a great book and the most exciting part was when Thomas was in the maze and they found a code that read FLOAT, CATCH, BLEED, DEATH, STIFF, and PUSH. So Thomas thought of a very awful idea of getting stung by a Griever and go through the changing process to get memories back.. (“ They need memories. So he was going to get stung by a Griever. Go through the changing process on purpose”) (pg. 291). I recommend this book to anyone who wants to be on there toes till the end and always wanting to know what happens next. This book keeps you guessing and makes you want to get deeper and deeper into the book. It will suck you in and you won’t be able to stop reading this book.


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