The Help by Kathryn Stockett | Teen Ink

The Help by Kathryn Stockett

September 9, 2015
By Babbi.k BRONZE, Charleston., West Virginia
Babbi.k BRONZE, Charleston., West Virginia
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The Help

        The Author of the Help is Kathryn Stockett. The Help takes places in Jackson, Mississippi in 1962 during the time of segregation. This was in the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement. The book beings in 1962 and ends in 1964, two black maids and one white women come together to write and publish a book of written stories. Which talk about black women working as maids for white families in Jackson. They fight and argue a lot with the town to make deed and just is for the book. Many people thought it was wrong for Skeeter to make this book. Abileen and Minny do it anyway after many thoughts.
        August, 1962 in Jackson Mississippi a girl named Skeeter returns form College. She asks two maids names Abileen and Minny to help her write a book about maids in the South. The Help was a very good book, on a scale from 1-10 it's about a 9. Why not 10? Well everything's not perfect but this book was close. My opinion on this book is its inspiration and historical. I love books that talk about having our rights and our own justice, that everyone is equal. On top of all of this they try and succeed in making a law for the maids to use the bathroom outside. They thought we carried around diseases. Dot. Bet me wrong this book isn't just historical and inspirational, it's had comedy to. Minny with the pie incident was hilarious.
  To end this, the book is about two black maids and one white woman coming together to write about black maids and the South who work for white families. They work very hard to bring justice for this book and to have it published. Everybody ends up ready the book.

The author's comments:

It's about segregation get during the Civil Rights Movement.


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