The Help by Kathryn Stockett | Teen Ink

The Help by Kathryn Stockett

September 9, 2015
By cssiv5 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
cssiv5 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
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The novel, "The Help", by Kathryn Stockett is one that every one should read. It is extremely well written, and it is very easy for teens to comprehend. This novel will make you laugh, cry, and cheer out loud for the characters. "The Help" takes the concept of struggles with racism and turns it into a beautiful piece of literature. This is an amazing book for both adults and teens.

In this novel, which takes place in Jackson, Mississippi in 1962, there are three main characters. A white woman named Skeeter, and two black maids, Minny and Aibileen, are those main characters. Skeeter, who had just gotten out of college, dreamed and aspired to become a famous writer/author. She enlists the help of Minny, Aibileen, and many other black maids in Jackson. They are hesitant to tell her their stories, but a terrible act of racism changes everyones' minds. The maids meet secretly with Skeeter to tell her what it is like to work for the white families. She listens to good stories, bad stories, happy and sad. Each one she writes down. Now, I would tell you more, but I think you should read it for yourself.

I feel that this novel was extremely well written. Some books of this genre, historical fiction, are hard and uninteresting to read. But, this book was definitely not one of those books. I thought it was very easy to comprehend, and it kept you wanting to read more, which is a great quality in novels. The dialogue for each character's point of view was perfect, and I could imagine the setting very clearly in my head. The plot was beautiful, and I just loved this book.

My overall review of this book was a really positive one. This novel was a great read for the summer reading list at my school. I genuinely enjoyed it and could barely put it down. Kathryn Stockett wrote this story very well, and it was full of description and imagery. I definitely recommend this book for adults and teens who like to read. Some historical fiction books are uninteresting and dull, but this was definitely the opposite.


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