Wonder by R. J. Palacio | Teen Ink

Wonder by R. J. Palacio

September 9, 2015
By MsStarr BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
MsStarr BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When is doubt bring it all."- Mrs. Williams

     In this book you meet some amazing characters. You can't help but fall in love with them. The main character Auggie, who is 10 year old, has small anomalies on his face and people are very mean to him. He has trouble making friends but he has a couple close friends. Summer who is nice to him from the start, and his best friend who's name is Jack Will. In this book he will show you what it's like to be different.
     The book tells about Auggies journey through 5th grade. It is his first year in a public school. He has been homeschooled all of his life because of how people treat him. At the park kids will run away screaming because they are scared of him and/or they ask their parents what's wrong with his face. This book isn't a fantasy book where everything is perfect. This book shows you how imperfect our society is.
     And because of this, I give Wonder a 4.5 rating. The only reason I didn't give it a 5 is because I want to save that one. I think it helps hold interest by switching between the points of view of the different characters. You get to see what his sister Via thinks, what his friends think, and what Via's friends think. It shows you how others feel about him. This book is perfect for just about anyone. It will show you what our world really is. 
     To say this book is good is an understatement. Auggie will take you to many beautiful places. Places of pain, embarrassment and happiness. This extraordinary 10 year old boy will teach you more than you would have thought. All of the characters teach you things that we should all know. So Wonder should be on your book list.

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