Wonder by R.J. Palacio | Teen Ink

Wonder by R.J. Palacio

September 9, 2015
By Fghou2 BRONZE, South Chraleston, West Virginia
Fghou2 BRONZE, South Chraleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't judge a book by its cover"

The book Wonder by R.J. Palacio is a great book and shows how lucky you are to have a regular ordinary face. It talks about a 10 year old boy named August Pullman who is going to middle school for the first time, but the problem is he has a disease called Treacher Collins syndrome and is scared that the kids will make fun of him. This book is very well written, but still very sad and sorrow.
    August is a fifth grader that was born with facial differences. He's had countless amounts of surgery that left him out of school, but this year he is attending Beecher Prep middle school. The first day of school he makes a few friends but overall most kids are taunting, bullying, and calling him names. For example deformed, retarded, and many others.
   The author did an amazing job telling the story. She clearly shows how August feels and how he gets bullied just for his facial differences. I couldn't put down the book, every time I took my eyes off the book I was wondering what would happen next. Every chapter was good, and every bit of time put into it was worth it.
   I was very surprised how the book ended, but I'm glad it ended the way it did. I would recommend this book to anyone in middle school because it takes place during middle school and shows what a kid can go through, just because of a difference. Some chapters were very surprising, but everything turned out the way it should be. I loved the book and can't stress how much you should read the book. R.J. Palacio really did out go her self! She made it entertaining but at the same time showed her point of view.


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