Monkey's Paw by W.W. Jacobs | Teen Ink

Monkey's Paw by W.W. Jacobs

March 14, 2016
By AngelArroyo BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
AngelArroyo BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Monkey’s Paw
By: w.w. Jacobs
The Monkey’s Paw is a horror and fiction story.  Monkey’s Paw is a short story by W.W. Jacobs. The story shows the reader to not mess with fate or, you will bear the consequences. For example, the White family took the monkey’s paw and gave bad luck to themselves. In addition, the family were begging for mercy.
First of all, in the Monkey’s Paw, Sergeant Major introduced the White family the monkey’s paw. Furthermore, Mr.White and his family were interested in the monkey paw. In addition, Sergeant Major warned the White family about it. Morever, the monkey’s paw gives you 3 wishes but can be evil. However, they didn’t take the monkey’s paw seriously. In addition, it affected the family later on. Also, one of the major characters Herbert, who is the son of Mr.White and Mrs.White, ended up in the mess of his father's first wish.
Major point of the story is that you should be careful what you wish for. The theme of the story is don’t mess with fate, or you will bear the consequences. The setting takes place in England, United Kingdom. Also, takes place outside of the city. The point of view of the story is third person. The mood of the story is scary and sad. I like this book because I wanted to know what will happen next. W.W. Jacobs includes similes that make the reader more interested in the book.
To sum up, the impression that the monkey paw made on me was sad and scary.
Furthermore, the reader must be prepared for what happens next in the book due to the horror of the story. In addition, it's a really good book to read. Let alone, a terrifying and surprising ending. Not to mention, even though the characters get three wishes from the monkey’s paw, the wishes have a horrible twist to them.

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