The Martian by Andy Weir | Teen Ink

The Martian by Andy Weir

April 1, 2016
By Anonymous

In the novel The Martian by Andy Weir, the main protagonist Mark Watney is abandoned on the planet mars from his space crew, die to a “space storm” that hit the crew, Watney was blown back by the strong force of the winds on Mars. The crew came to the assumption that Watney had been killed, presumed to the shuttle to make an early departure off of mars leaving Watney behind expecting the worst, his death. That being said the rest of the novel faces the challenge of whether or not Watney has what it takes to either survive on Mars, or even make it back to planet earth. The characters are very simple, the crew, Mark Watney, and NASA
Mark Watney is both a mechanical engineer and a botanist, and these two attributes really come in handy when stranded on an uncharted planet such as mars. Watney faces the challenges that most people don't have to worry about such as rationing meals to last him long enough, same thing as water, and keeping heat inside of the hab in which he lives in. But as the novel progresses, so does Watneys creativity and intelligence. For example Watney curated water based on the “spare” elements from around the hab and made water, which was used for the potato farm. These two inventions clearly go hand in hand for the reason that the water is not alike a garden hose like source, it emits a moderate mist which condensated to the surrounding walls, keeping the potatoes and Watney hydrated at the same time. Plus Watney will have enough food and water to last him a very long time, of course that is if everything goes accordingly and to plan.
The Multicultural aspect is the fact that the people of earth were startled when NASA had pronounces Mark Watney dead on mars, but the fact that when the public is informed that Watney is infact alive people are astonished and in awe and want to try and help bring Watney back home to planet earth. This was in a way a movement in the culture to make the effort to bring Watney back home. All in all this novel is a stupendous Read,  a highly recommended  novel for  everyone interested, and those who have an interest in physical and chemical Sciences, space an all-around intriguing novel                         

The author's comments:

Thoroughly followed the expectations

Proofread for sentence fluency and gramtical errors

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