My Life by Earvin Johnson | Teen Ink

My Life by Earvin Johnson

May 3, 2016
By HaiNguyen BRONZE, Muskegon, Michigan
HaiNguyen BRONZE, Muskegon, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"My life - Earvin "Magic" Johnson" talks about the life of the NBA legend, Magic Johnson. It talked about the time when he was a kid, and he only focused in basketball, to the time when his life changed completely. As a student in high school, and as a student in MSU, Magic Johnson have one dream to make it to the NBA. He was drafted by the LA Laker, and he spent his whole career there. He talked about the games that he played in high school, the championship at MSU, and also all the NBA championship that he played with Lakers. Magic Johnson was a hard working man; he talked a lot about hard work in his book, and the reader can see that through his words. Magic Johnson loved the game of basketball, but he soon realized that he was dealing with the game of life or death. Magic Johnson was tested positive with HIV, and his whole life changed. He talked about how he deal with all the challenges that he face in his life. Magic Johnson changed from the hero of a basketball game to the hero of the people. He switched his job to be a speaker about HIV. "My life - Earvin "Magic" Johnson" is not just a book to show the life of Magic Johnson; it is also a book so that the reader can learn from. Magic Johnson wanted people to understand HIV, basketball, and he wanted people to never lose hope.


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