5th wave by Rick Yancey | Teen Ink

5th wave by Rick Yancey

May 16, 2016
By Betheny BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
Betheny BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey. The 5th Wave is about the starting of an alien invasion through the eyes of Cassiopeia Sullivan, Ben Parish, Sam Sullivan, and Evan Walker. The Others ( what Cassie and her dad call the aliens) have stroked 5 waves. Each wave worst than the last. Each one wipes out a fraction of the population.
The First Wave: Lights Out. The Others created an electromagnetic pulse. This pulse caused all electricity and things that used electricity to go out. Not many died from the first wave. This caused all cars to stop (causing cars to crash) and flying air planes to fall.

The Second Wave: Surfs Up: The Others sent large metal rods to crash into the Earth’s fault lines. This resulted in earthquakes and large tsunamis. This wiped out all coastal cities including London, Sydney, New York, Paris, and Los Angeles. This wave caused 3 billion deaths.

The Third Wave: The Pestilence: This was a disease that was like a genetically engineered virus. This wiped out 97% of the population. The disease was carried by birds. Some fought the virus off but not many succeeded.
The Fourth Wave: Silencer: By the fourth wave the Others were among them. There were people infested and were trained to kill any survivors. This was hard for non-infested to trust others.

This book has  a large range of figurative language. Each character has been developed into a realistic image. Yancey uses writing to take you away into a different world where a normal life became the worst apocalypse ever. I am impressed by the amount of emotion i feel while reading his book. All these characters have so many adventures and all this emotion that has been bottled up for so long. The author captures the emotion  through the characters.

Each character was another person before the invasion. Ben Parish was a star football player with a football scholarship for college. Cassie  was a girl with intelligent and funny parents. Cassie had her friend and her family that could carry her when she needed it most. Sam had his sister Cassie and his fun parents but when the alien invasion came nobody was ready.

There were 2 types of people: this who fled to other places and those who stayed home with boarded windows. Cassie’s family stayed home while their neighbor’s went to Disney World. Cassie learned so much from her journey and matured as a friend, person, sister, and daughter. Ben was left by  himself but ventured to a camp in hope of safety.

I would rate this book a 10 out of 10. the storyline really hooks the reader.


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