The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins | Teen Ink

The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins

July 30, 2016
By artceptionist BRONZE, Tseung Kwan O, Other
artceptionist BRONZE, Tseung Kwan O, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

With bone-chilling twists and densely-packed tension, The Girl on the Train is easily an outstanding book.

The Girl on the Train is written in three narratives of three different women’s perspectives. It writes that the main character, Rachel, rides a train to and fro every day; during the journey, she always observes a couple from her seat window. This raises questions in the reader at this point, as Rachel describes them wistfully, and in certain moments, talks about an individual named Tom, who is her ex-husband.

The next narrator after Rachel is a woman named Megan. Megan is part of the couple Rachel stares out at every day. Though Megan does not know of Rachel’s existence, the two are somehow connected by the third woman and narrator, Anna. Anna is the woman who took Tom away from Rachel and established a family with him, leaving Rachel to be the outcast she is now. Anna and Tom also happen to be Megan’s neighbor, and the two families commune regularly.

As Rachel takes the train day by day, she starts seeing things that are out of the ordinary; perspectives change, emotions run, and soon enough, Rachel is dragged in from an outsider to being deeply involved with the two other women.

Suspicions, affairs, terror: The Girl on the Train ties them together perfectly, into a read that will leave readers shivering internally. This book is not for the faint-hearted- the epigraph itself is rather ominous, and it’s only a taste of what’s to come.

The author's comments:

This book made me aware of how powerful an outsider's perspective could turn out to be. In my own life, there are many strangers that I see often, and after reading this book, I often catch myself wondering about them when they are absent. I admire how Paula Hawkins took inspiration from subconscious everyday happenings into a decent work of fiction.

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