Alabama Moon by Watt Key | Teen Ink

Alabama Moon by Watt Key

November 16, 2016
By JPJdog BRONZE, Exeter, New Hampshire
JPJdog BRONZE, Exeter, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
United we stand divided they fall

“I could trap my own food and make my own clothes. I could find my way by the stars and make fire in the rain. Pap said he even figured I could whip someone three times my size.” Out in the woods, hunting, fishing and living the life of a ten year old,   Moon is constantly working. 

Alabama Moon by Watt Key is about a ten year old boy named Moon, who is forced and trained by his father, Pap, to live in the forest away from society. Pap is disgusted and completely loathes the government, but Moon doesn’t really know the reason why. The only encounter with other humans is the trips they take to a near general store. The death of Pap causes Moon to follow his last words, to voyage to Alaska, and to find more people like themselves. Moon has no understanding of the world around him and shortly after his father's death, he is being hunted by the law. During Moon’s journey he encounters constables, lawyers, jails and institutions. Moon also creates strong friendships and hateful enemies along the way.

This glorious book is among one of my favorites. Alabama Moon was recommended to me by my english teacher. At first I thought it was going to be some banal book about a boy and his life in the forest. But I was interested in this book after reading just some of the first few sentences. The characters are developed extraordinarily well and I can understand their pain and joy throughout the entire book. It was as if I was there right beside Moon, laughing when he made jokes or did something hilarious. My favorite character is Kit. Though he is shy, and lonely at first, his true colors shine most when he meets Moon. Their personalities blend well together and I couldn’t get enough of them. Not only does this book have action, and a really good storyline, but it has comedy. I enjoyed this book a lot and for me it is hard to find books that give me a good laugh.

In this thrilling book, a little boy is basically turning into an adult and is treated like he is some criminal. Being with just his father can get lonely to a ten year old boy. Especially if he has no understanding of how to communicate with people or treat them with respect. Even though he is only ten, Moon is highly gifted in the knowledge of the forest and puts his skills to the test. Alabama Moon is a must read for those who enjoy reading action, comedy, adventure and just a hint of mystery.

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