Island of the Blue Dolphins | Teen Ink

Island of the Blue Dolphins

March 13, 2009
By Rosa Garcia BRONZE, San Jose, California
Rosa Garcia BRONZE, San Jose, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The book 'Island of the Blue Dolphins,' is a Newberry medal Award Winning book and well deserved. Imagine yourself in an island that you have grown up in with your whole family. One day, some strangers come in a ship and kill most of your family and friends. You and your young brother are the only ones left from your family, but unfortunately your brother gets killed by a pack d wild dogs and now your left alone. Some of your tribe is still in the island, but no one in which you can trust. So you decide to ponder around the island alone. Do you think you would survive? The young girl in this book faces many challenges and struggles, she survives although she's alone, yet she doesn't give up.

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading a great book. This book 'Island of the Blue Dolphins' is a great book because it takes you to the life of a young girl facing the struggles in her life. I personally enjoyed reading this book and surely you will to.


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