Breaking Dawn | Teen Ink

Breaking Dawn

March 18, 2009
By Paige McCool BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
Paige McCool BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Breaking Dawn is the fourth book in the vampire love saga. It was written by Stephenie Meyer. It will keep you on the edge of your seat. In Breaking Dawn Bella finally gets what she wanted to become a vampire like her boyfriend and soon to be husband. But she becomes a vampire in a way no one would ever expect
The Volturi come to kill her and her family. But the Cullen's don't give up that easily. The reason the Volturi come is because of Renesmee. But you have to read the book to know who that is. Its not all about vampires though there's a good share of werewolves too.
This book is very beautifully written. It is one of the best books I have ever read.I highly recommend Breaking Dawn. You will to once you read it. It will leave you speechless.


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