Lottery by Patricia Wood | Teen Ink

Lottery by Patricia Wood

April 10, 2017
By JSieme BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
JSieme BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

‘Mister Perry Lucky Crandell, quit your bellyaching!’ Gram would scold. My name is Perry L. Crandall and I am not retarded. Perry is a special man who wins the lottery and he’s dropped in without knowing which way is up. His family starts contacting him more than they ever have in the past. He has many friends who are more than ready to help. Cherry is Perry’s love interest who helps him make wise choices with his money. Keith is a friend who has been with him ever since he started his job at Holsted. Finally there’s Gary, his boss. Him and Perry become partners in his business to grow faster. They all see that his family is taking advantage of him and his winnings. Perry does not mind, but his friends see he’s in danger. They attempt to help him in hopes he’ll be able to understand. They get a lawyer to help them find ways to protect him from his family. They often have to talk with him to get him to understand. He has a big heart and often gives his family any money they ask for. But they want more. They try many things to get the money from him.

While reading this book, you are put into the shoes of a man with an IQ of 76. You read about the struggles he has with people he interacts with in his everyday life. How they treat him and act while he’s around. You feel the hardships Perry must face as if they’re real and you’re actually experiencing them. A feeling of more acceptance after reading this. A feeling of what it’s like to be on the other end of the spectrum of the social life. This book is a true tale of change.

Lottery is an adventure in and of itself. It draws you in with its spectacular cast of characters. It pulls at the heartstrings many times over. It makes you laugh. Cry and occasionally question why. You gain a sense of feeling and compassion with the characters. Patricia Wood crafts an amazing uplifting story that captivates from the very first page. This book is perfect for anyone who wants to read a well spun tale of luck and love. It will draw you in with its humor till you can’t put it down. The voices and world will linger with you anytime you think of this book.

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