The Crossover by Kwame Alexander | Teen Ink

The Crossover by Kwame Alexander

September 14, 2017
By Anonymous

I really didn’t really care about what I should’ve but now I do because I read this book in my perspective I would rate a 5 star book I personally think you should read this book because It’s meaningful it really explains a lot after you read this book.

Josh and Jb (Jordan Bell) are twins. Josh and Jb play basketball and there father is Chuck Bell (Da’Man) he is a retired basketball player and there mother is Crystal Bell an Assistant Principal at Reggie Lewis Middle School where Josh and Jb play basketball.

In this book you really see brotherhood between Josh and Jb because they argue then they are cool and then its back and forth but in the end they got each other backs and they come together.

The book Crossover is so good it is like a ankle breaker because the book is like really good you barely expect the things that happen.


In the book Crossover, Its five different sections and Josh

The author's comments:

I am a athlete.


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